The Prince of Egypt Wiki
The Prince of Egypt Wiki

The Egyptian gods are pagan gods of Egypt. They were mentioned in the song "You're Playing With the Big Boys Now".

Powers & Abilities[]


The Heliopolitans all have some potential to practice magic, mostly but not limited to changing their appearances, transforming matter and wielding cosmic, elemental and paranormal energies.

  • Egyptian Deity Physiology
    • Beast Divinity; some or most
    • Superhuman Strength - As supreme beings within Creation, gods casually exhibit stronger physical prowess in relation to mortal creatures; capable of exerting overwhelming force in battles. No human may challenge a god in mortal combat. While gods are not born equal in brawn, all are powerful fighters. The average Heliopolitan male can lift (press) about 30 tons under optimal conditions; the average Heliopolitan female can lift (press) 25 tons under optimal conditions.
    • Superhuman Speed: Gods are shown to be faster physically than any human reaching speeds far beyond the limits of the finest Olympic athlete.
    • Superhuman Senses: Gods are shown to possess accurate and acute senses such as eyesight and hearing. Horus was able to see things from miles away.
    • Magic: Gods are known to have an innate ability to perform magic. They can mesmerize and control mortals and various sorts of creatures just by using their eyes alone, summon other gods (such as when Horus summoned Anubis), talking to other individuals while from far away, blessing/cursing individuals; among various other magical techniques. The Heliopolitans all have some potential to practice magic, mostly but not limited to changing their appearances, transforming matter and wielding cosmic, elemental and paranormal energies.
    • Superhuman Durability: Gods show the power to not be able to get harmed by mortal weapons, the weapons just seem to shatter into pieces or the weapons just bounce off the gods' body.
    • Extended Longevity: Gods age at a slower rate than any other mortals. If the god dies they can be resurrected through magical means, such as when the god Ra brought all the gods back to life after Set killed most of them. The gods are also immune to all diseases, toxins, ailments and anything else that could make them ill. Gods are also immune to conventional means of harm, due to their more durable structure. Ra says that the way immortality can be achieved is unthinkable.
    • Power Augmentation: Gods can become more powerful by taking other gods' body parts and fusing the body parts to their true form.
    • Accelerated Healing Factor: Gods can recover from all non-fatal injuries and can heal quicker than any mortal from non-fatal injuries.
    • Superhuman Endurance: Gods can withstand enormous amounts of damage and injury from harm. Horus was able to survive multiple hits from Set's hammer, smashing into Osiris's temple, among other feats.
    • Reality Warping: Gods are shown to manipulate reality to their every whim, such as when Ra warped reality to the point that all of Egypt ended up looking as it did before Set took over Egypt, even though Osiris and Isis were already in the afterlife, so they weren't resurrected.
    • Superhuman Stamina: Gods are capable of sustaining prolonged physical or mental effort longer than any mortal.
    • Superhuman Beauty: Gods and goddesses are strikingly and stunningly beautiful in their own right.
    • Golden Blood / Metallic Bodily Fluids


  • Allspeak: Thanks to the Allspeak, they can communicate and be understood by or races.
  • Scepter Mastery

Weaknesses and Limitations[]

Gods are vulnerable to the following weaknesses:

  • Power source removal: If a god gets their power source taken out, the god will be powerless, such as when Horus had gotten his eyes ripped out. In some cases, the god will instantly die such as when Thoth had gotten his brain ripped out. If the power source is reclaimed he/she should be resurrected and their powers will be fully restored. If the god has a pair of power sources removed like horus eyes and they find one of the power sources, they will have the potential to have all their power with just one of his/her power sources back. If the gods' power source is near them, they will feel a sharp jolt of pain in their head. For gods whose power sources are body parts, when the power source is retrieved, a bright white light will appear where the power source is supposed to be in.
  • Magical weapons: Gods can be injured or killed by magical weapons.
  • Magical energy attacks: Gods can be killed by magical divine energy blasts if hit once. There are some few exceptions, such as when Set withstood multiple blasts of energy from Ra's spear do to the fact that Set took most of the other gods' specific body parts to become omnipotent. This means that the gods can withstand attacks more than other gods by fusing together other gods' body parts to that gods' true form.
  • Other Gods: Gods can be injured or killed easily by attacks from other gods.



  • Amun/Ammon/Amen/Amon: God of Creation, Sky and Air. Ruler of the Egyptian Pantheon.
  • Amaunet
  • Hauhet
  • Huh
  • Kauket
  • Kuk
  • Naunet
  • Nu/Nun


  • Atum
  • Geb: God of Earth.
  • Horus/Heru: Falcon God of Kingship, Sky, War, revenge and pharaohs.
  • Isis/Eset/Aset: Goddess of Kingship, Life, Magic, motherhood and Healing. Protection of the Kingdom and Sky.
  • Nephthys: Goddess of Death, Night-time, mourning, lamentation, sleep, rivers, and protector of the dead.
  • Nut: Goddess of the Sky and Moisture.
  • Osiris: God of Fertility, Agriculture, Afterlife, Death, Resurrection and Life.
  • Ra: God of the Sun, Order, Light, Life and Sky.
  • Set/Seth: God of Deserts, Storms, Disorder, War, Violence and Foreigners.
  • Shu: God of Air.
  • Tefnut: Goddess of Moisture.

Theban Triad[]

  • Amun
  • Mut: Goddess of Sky, Queen of the Egyptian Gods.
  • Khonsu: God of the Moon, Time, Youth, Travelers and Healing.


  • Aker
  • Akhty
  • Amenhotep I
  • Amenhotep, son of Hapu
  • Am-heh
  • Amunet
  • Anat
  • Anhur: God of War.
  • Anput
  • Anubis: God of Mummification, funeral rites and Embalming, Protector of Graves, Guide to the Underworld.
  • Anuket
  • Anukis
  • Apedemak
  • Apis
  • Arensnuphis
  • Ash
  • Astarte and Anat
  • Aten
  • Babi: The god of Baboons. He represents the other characteristics of primates such as being uncontrolled and wild.
  • Banebdjedet
  • Ba-Pef
  • Bastet/Bast: Goddess of Love, Cats, Warfare, Protection, Joy, Dance, Music and Family.
  • Bat
  • Bennu
  • Bes: God of Dwarves.
  • Buchis
  • Dedun
  • Disturber: God of judging people who lose their temperaments.
  • Duamutef
  • Fire-Embracer: God of judging people who commited robbery.
  • Gengen-Wer
  • Gog
  • Grog
  • Hapi/Hapy (a trans-gendered deity): God of Fertility, Water & the Nile.
  • Hatmehit
  • Hathor/Hethert: Cow-headed Goddess of Sky, Sun, Joy, Music, Dance, Sexuality and Beauty.
  • Hatshepsut
  • Heh/Hauhet
  • Hehet
  • Heka: God of Magic.
  • Heqet/Heket: The frog-goddess of birth and rebirth.
  • Hemsut
  • Hesat
  • The Creator Goddess of Light, Horakhty
  • Hot Foot: One of the 42 judgement gods.
  • Iabet
  • Iah
  • Imentet
  • Imhotep
  • Iusaaset
  • Kebectet
  • Keku
  • Khepri: God of the Morning Sun.
  • Khnum: God of fertility, water, and procreation.
  • Ma'at: Goddess of Truth, Balance, Order, Law, Morality, and Justice.
  • Maahes/Ma'ahes/Mihos
  • Mafdet
  • Mehen
  • Mehet-Weret
  • Mekhit: The minor lioness-goddess of war.
  • Menhit
  • Menthu
  • Meshkent
  • Min/Amsu
  • Montu: God of War and Vitality.
  • Naunet
  • Nefertem: God of Beauty, Healing, Perfumes, Ointments and Creation.
  • Neith: Goddess of War, hunting, wisdom, battle, and weaving.
  • Nekhbet: The goddess of vultures, who protects the pharaoh if he proved himself to be strong enough.
  • Nemty
  • Neper
  • Onuris: A war god.
  • Pakhet
  • Ptah: God of Craftsmen and Architects.
  • Qetesh
  • Raet-Tawy
  • Re
  • Renenutet: Goddess of Fertility, Nutrition and Harvest.
  • Reshpu
  • Satet
  • Satis
  • Sekhment / Sekhmet: Goddess of Healing, War and Destruction.
  • Selket
  • Serket/Serqet: Goddess of Medicine, scorpions, snakes, protection, venom/Poison, and Healing Venomous bites and stings.
  • Seshat
  • Seshmu
  • Sobek: God of crocs, rivers, Pharaonic power, military prowess, and fertility.
  • Seker/Sokar
  • Sons of Horus
    • Duamutef
    • Hapi/Xapi
    • Imsety
    • Qebehsenuef
  • Sopdu
  • Tatenen
  • Taweret: Goddess of hippos, Childbirth and Womanhood.
  • Tayt
  • Thoth/Zehuti: God of the Moon, Wisdom, Writing, Hieroglyphs, Science, Magic, Art, knowledge, ibises, baboons, and Judgment.
  • Wadjet
  • Wadj-wer: God of fertility and incarnation of the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Wepwawet
  • Wosret

Egyptian Creatures[]

  • Abtu and Anet: Two identical fish that according to Egyptian legend swam in front of the prow of the sun god's ship on the lookout for danger.
  • Ammit: Most commonly associated with Egyptian myth, Ammit attends to the "wicked". It is described as having the head of a crocodile, the midsection of a lion, and the hindquarters of a hippo.
  • Apis
  • Apep/Apophis: The god of chaos, darkness and night, Lord of Isfet.
  • Benu
  • El Naddaha
  • Griffin: The griffin is best described as an eagle with the body of a lion, and is very strong.
  • Ka
    • Obelisk the Tormentor
    • Slifer the Sky Dragon
    • Winged Dragon of Ra
  • Medjed
  • Serpopard
  • Sha, Set animal
  • Sphinx
    • Hieracosphinx
  • Uraeus

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